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5 Against the House (1955)
Original Title : 5 Against the HouseRelease : 1955-06-10
Rating : 5.9 by 18 users
Runtime : 84 min.
Genre : Drama,Action,Thriller
Studio : Dayle
Country : United States of America
Language : English
Keywords : casino, noir, heist
Tagline : Sizzling!
Stars : Guy Madison, Kim Novak, Brian Keith, Alvy Moore, Kerwin Mathews, William Conrad, Jack Dimond
Former war-time Army buddies now students in college decide to rip off a Reno casino.
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5 against the house 1955 imdb directed by phil karlson with guy madison, kim novak, brian keith, alvy moore four vets attending college on the gi bill and a cabaret singer try to rob a reno casino and pull off the perfect crime 5 against the house 1955 icheckmovies 5 against the house 1955 info in lists 48 comments 2 friends activity checks 202 favorites 1 remove ads pssst, want to check out 5 against the house in our new look incorrect cover information year 1955 runtime 84 min director phil karlson genres crime, drama, filmnoir rating 59 votes 641 checks 202 favs 1 dislikes 1 favschecks 05 1202 favsdislikes 11 view Watch 5 against the house online 1955 movie yidio watch 5 against the house online 5 against the house the 1955 movie, trailers, videos and more at yidio

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Reviews :
John Chard
He has a system you know!
Four college buddies are out in a Reno casino when they mistakenly almost get arrested for a failed robbery. Upon proving their innocence, they hear a cop saying that robbing this particular casino is nigh on impossible. This gets young Ronnie thinking that it actually can be done, and sure enough he comes up with a fool proof plan that should be played out as a joke robbery. However, after letting his pals in on the plan, one of them, Brick, an ex army loose cannon, wants to do it for real.
There are many good things about this Phil Karlson directed picture, things that made me particularly glad I paid no attention to the meagre rating on the IMDb and watched it with no expectation. The cast is very strong, Guy Madison, Brian Keith, Alvy Moore, a young pre swash buckling Kerwin Mathews and a sultry and gorgeous Kim Novak in only her second credited role. Location work at Lake Tahoe is easy on the eye and the story from John Barnwell (adapting from Jack Finney's novel) is a good one, with a kicker of an idea in how to rob a casino.
I think that newcomers to the film should prepare for a more offbeat picture than what the plot synopsis hints at. It certainly has got tense moments, courtesy in the main from Keith's borderline psycho, but it's practically a talky picture with flecks of humour right up to the finale, where it all comes together without histrionics or fanfare. Phil Karlson, with the awesome Scandal Sheet on his CV, appeared on the face of it to be a good choice to direct, but although he has done crime/adventure/romance films very well before, blending those genres into one film was asking a bit too much. It's not bad directing, it's just an odd fusion that never really comes off, and it possibly stops the film from breaking out to a bigger and more appreciative audience. Karlson remains, though, a director well worth reappraisals because he has some excellent credits on his CV that are well worth checking out.
Still, it's an oddity of sorts, and tagging it as a Noir picture is a bit of a stretch, but this is one that's definitely recommended for the pluses that do indeed far outweigh the minuses. 7/10
Watch 5 against the house 1955 full movie online m4ufree 5 against the house 1955 full movie, four college buddies enjoying a night at a reno casino are told by a cop that robbing the casino cannot be done that gets the brainiest r streamm4unet search home current movies tvseries genre action adventure animation biography comedy crime documentary drama family fantasy history horror music mystery romance scifi short sport 5 against the house 1955 feature video dailymotion 5 against the house 1955 feature film gorillas follow 6 years ago 102k views drama 1955 84 minutes black amp white four college buddies enjoy a night at a reno casino and overhear a cop saying that robbing the casino cannot be done that gets the brainiest rich kid among them thinking up a plan for the perfect robbery he convinces the others to join in when they hear that it 5 against the house 1955 stream and watch online released 1955, 5 against the house stars guy madison, kim novak, brian keith, alvy moore the movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 24 min, and received a score of out of 100 on metacritic, which
Watch 5 against the house 1955 movie online streaming 5 against the house 1955 full movie online watch 5 against the house 1955 movie online streaming this crime movie released on 19550610 four vets attending college on the gi bill and a cabaret singer try to rob a rno casino and pull off the perfect crime 5 against the house 1955 movie storyline four 5 against the house 1955 movie moviefone streaming amp dvd movies showtimes amp tickets videos news 5 against the house 1955 when college buddies ronnie kerwin mathews and roy alvy moore are briefly detained by the reno police in Watch 5 against the house prime video 5 against the house 15 personally, i get a headache trying to watch movies that are visually askew like that, but even if it doesnt pain you literally, it is a pain in the posterior, simply due to the annoyance factor so, if you want to see this film, get it via another avenue, and dont waste your dough trying to stream it here read more 5 people found this helpful helpful comment
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